Android smartphones have taken the mobile industry to a different league. In my opinion, several operating systems are cementing their presence in this industry. But, Android has reached the top segment of the user base – and increasing on a daily basis.
As you’d agree with me, Cell phones and other smart devices have become part and parcel of our daily lives. First, we use them most of the times. Second, Android devices are stuck with useful features. Even so, we still miss using these features. Hundreds of users aren’t aware of Android hidden features and tricks, hence, missing on a lot of cool advantages they can take.
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As a matter of fact, some Android hidden features are hidden deep down submenus. But, this depends on how excessive your device interface got customised. Consequently, some are in plain sight. Whatever it’s, I’d say, don’t let those Android tricks and hacks get away. Ensure you are familiar with every single feature of your Android device!
Different Android versions support different features. This article explores Android hidden menu codes and all the hidden features you need to know. Let’s get going!
Get Back Deleted Notifications
Ironically, there are those notifications that we delete and later realise they needed our attention. As a matter of fact, the majority of us are victims of this but, this feature comes in handy. To activate this feature:
- Long-click on the space on your Android device home screen, then click on Widgets
- Swipe left to find and find the Settings shortcut widgets
- Place it on the home screen
- A menu will open on the setting shortcut from which you’ll select the notification log
- Click on it and the information log shortcut will display on your home screen
- Tap on it and see your notification history
Locate Your Smartphone
Strangely enough, several instances force you to place our devices on silent mode or keep it away. For this reason, you end up forgetting where you put it. The situation is more complicated when calling on your pals’ phone doesn’t work.
At this point, you can use this Android hidden feature and trick (whatever you think of it). Besides, you can use this function to erase data, lock and locate your device if it gets stolen. Follow these steps to activate this feature:
- Open your browser and type Find my phone through Android device manager
- You’ll need to sign in using your Google ID. Make sure the ID you use is the same you used to sign in on your Android Smartphone
- Three options will get displayed; ring, lock and erase. Select your preferred option as per your requirements.
Force Reboot
No doubt, on several occasion Android devices do freeze. If yours happen to, you can reboot it instead of upsetting yourself doing other things. To force reboot your Android:
Press the power key + home key + volume up concurrent.
Move Android Apps to SD Card
Presumably, the majority of us aren’t aware of this feature (or do not use it). This Android hidden feature provides you with a way to move your installed apps to SD card. Also, if you have installed these apps in your phone memory, don’t panic. Just follow these simple steps:
Settings>Application Settings> Manage application> Select the application; you’ll see the option “move to SD card”.
Get Information About your Phone
This secret Android code is a handy USSD to get detailed information about your phone status. Dial *#*#4636#*#* to get information about the battery, Wi-Fi information and data usage. Note, we are talking about the Android equipment.
Copy and Paste
In my opinion, Android is using some inspiration from Apple. It’s due to the fierce completion between mobile operating systems. Android has added copy and paste features to the list of Android tricks and hacks you can use. With this feature; you highlight the piece of text you want to copy by pressing on the text for few second. Copy and share will appear above the text and not at the top of the screen.
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Set Warnings For Data Limits
First, click on settings and select data usage option. Second, find the graph showing data usage of your equipment by all applications. Finally, you will find options to set cycles for monitoring data usage. Also, warnings for data limits, and disable data usage on your device.
This Android hidden feature will help in the performance of your phone. There are many features that you need to check to enhance the battery life of your mobile. As a result, play with options like switching from 2G to 3G whenever required. Also, selecting mobile networks and synchronisation of data. All these are integral with a long-lasting battery.
Shorten or Extent Time Lockout
This feature provides relief if your screen is too aggressive. Android offers a lot of security settings to lock your phone. You can choose the password, PIN number, esoteric face unlocks or pattern lock option.
Ultimately, locking your phone is crucial to keep unpleasant characters from accessing your device. But, opening your device every single time is taxing. Android developed this feature to fix this issue.
To activate this feature, navigate to the security menu of your device. You will find the automatic lock option. If you are using Samsung, this function is in my device list. From here, you can set the amount of time your phone takes to lock automatically.
Recognise Secured Phones as Hotspots
In the first place, this is a must have feature. This hidden Android phone trick will aid you to treat tethered handsets handsomely. As a matter of fact, you can’t tell your phone is using mobile data when connected to a tethered hotspot. Wi-Fi access point is the only thing that gets displayed.
It’s easy to blow through most of the hotspot data plan if you have set your applications to auto-update, consequently. Or, backup files automatic over Wi-Fi. You can prevent this by instructing your phone which Wi-Fi connections are mobile hotspots.
Activate this element by opening the Data Usage Menu then select data restriction. The screen will display a list of all Wi-Fi networks synced with your account data. Flying the toggle next to those that are hotspots. So, you won’t abuse data anymore.
Use Your Information to Reclaim Your Lost Phone
Not only having a pattern lock or PIN on your phone or tablet will keep off unwanted characters but also, is ideal if you’re wasting your phone. If someone picks your phone and wants to return to you, this hidden feature of Android KitKat and others will help.
Of course; the good Samaritan will want to know if it belongs to you yet, it’s a lost phone. As a result, you provide/fill your identity hidden in the Owner Info Menu.
This feature is located in the Security section of the primary setting. But if you’re using latest Samsung, find this feature under Personal> Lock screen and security. You can add more information here, but safe bets are an alternative phone number and email address.
Finally, beware of OEMs that customise the screen heavily – better do away with them.
Limit Background Data App by App
If you didn’t know, Android permits apps to stay awake and perform activities in the background. No doubt, these apps will send and receive data without you noticing. It’s a big issue to the majority who are on a low-capped data plan. On the brighter side, Android devices got Data Usage Menu. It provides you with analysis on what’s consuming data in the background.
Click on the Android data usage menu and find a list of your apps organised by how much data they’ve used. The list displays the greediest app to the least. Click on any single app for information on the split between foreground and background data.
If you see an app that consumes a lot of bytes in the background, scroll to the bottom page and click on Restrict background data option. Note, this option works on devices that hook into mobile data plans, and you must set a Mobile Data Limit first too. Also, some apps won’t work as expected with this option. In conclusion, use this option to apps that hack into your mobile data connection.
Screen Recording
Android users in significant numbers have rooted their devices; it’s because they want to access Android system content hidden. At present, Android has gained more features making rooting a less necessity. As a matter of fact, for example, Android Lollipop 5.1 features have made it less reason to root because Android now supports screen recording.
First, screen recording is an MP4 file of what is happening on your screen for the duration of capture. Second, there is no native tool to do this task on many Android devices. Third, there are several of these apps in the Play Store, Rec being one of them. (
If you use Rec or similar app with the support of Lollipop screen recording, you need to accept screen capture request every time it pops. An icon gets displayed in the status bar to show screen recording is underway. Apps differ in resolution and bitrates for the recording. But, the default is the original resolution for of you handset.
The app you use will determine how you will end a record. In typical cases, there is a notification, but you can also put the device in sleep mode.
Set System Animations to Warp Speed
Android devices are now easier to use than they used to be. All you need to do is to tweak hidden Android phone tricks, and you’re ready to go. Android operating system has a hidden developer menu which you can activate by going to. About>Software Information> More> Build Number. Tap on the builder number several times until you see a message at the bottom of the screen. The text is a confirmation that you’ve become a developer.
Strange enough, this does not make any modification to your system. It reverses the Developer Options menu back in the main configuration file. So, click on the main setting list and access many exciting features. But, you need to have a keen intellect because you can mess up things fast and wrong. So, don’t change anything unless you’ve researched it deep.
Aside from that, within Developer Options, scroll down to drawing. Then locate Window animation scale, Transition animation scale, and Animator duration. All these options are set to 1x by default. Moreover, they are the animations you’ll see when apps open and close. They help cover up lag, and you don’t need to set them slow on a fast device. If you want a snappier interface, you can set them all to 0.5x.
Extend the Battery Life by 30 per cent
Most of us own phones which cannot hold power for some hours. Others leave all apps running; hence, they end up draining the battery. In any case, you can now extend your battery life to 30 percent.
To extend your device battery life, first, activate battery saver mode. Second, click on settings> battery. Third, click on the menu and turn it on. In summary, this element reduces your tool performance and limits vibration.
Also, it limits background data and location services. Besides, email, messaging, and other apps that rely on syncing. As per mine and my colleagues experience at Cyberogism, it extended the battery life by about 30% – now it’s your turn to try!
Restrict Calls and Texts
You can now set permissions to contacts of your choice to calls or texts. Only if, your Android smartphone is running on Android 5.0 Lollipop or above. Follow the following steps to activate this feature:
- Click on settings> Sound and notifications> interruptions
- Once you reach on interruptions, you’ll find calls/texts from
Click on it to rank the list of contacts from which you want to receive calls and texts, and that’s it.
Protect Privacy with Notification Restrictions
Be that as it may, some characters like going through someone’s phone. They go ahead to read text messages, Facebook or WhatsApp notifications. For this reason, you can hide your sensitive information and notifications of such content. Thanks to Android Lollipop 5.1 features. To activate this feature:
- Click on the settings menu and go to sound and notification
- Scroll to notifications and click on when the device gets unlocked
Choose whether to display or hide sensitive content in the notification.
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Check your Phones Hardware
You can now tell if your Android hardware is working well or not. Do this by installing Phone Tester ( from the Play store. This software will provide you will complete information about your tools hardware.
Get information about battery temperature, smartphone sensor activities, camera information, and analyse whether the display is working or not. Above all, phone tester application is a free download.
Let Your Device Read Notifications for You
There are scenarios where reading text messages, emails or notifications is hard. For instance, when you’re driving etc. But, it’s hard to miss that important email from your boss or close family members. In this case, download a third party application that will do the job for you.
Speak to me (, Shouter (, and Read it to me ( are examples of software you can install to read your notifications.
To make things easier, focus on the notifications which you want the application to read.
Search the Voice Without Unlocking your Phone
As simple as it sounds so, is as easy to use as it is. This element has a voice search button on the lock screen. Click on the microphone icon then ask your device to call a friend or look for something. Emergency calls and camera were the only elements available on the screen.
And they were without a password. Not anymore in the present day because Marshmallow has placed Google voice search. Or, if you get stuck in the middle of a conversation, and you need translation, tap on the mic icon. Then, ask Google to translate. To get a clear image of this feature, look at the article here on tomsguide.
Easter Egg Game
This Google product is exciting but at the same time, it’s super hard. If you play it for the first time, you can’t get past the first hurdle. At the same time, you can add more players whom you can play with simultaneously. To do so, click on the plus symbol at the top and add players.
Even so, Easter Egg Game (,2817,2486825,00.asp) seems like the Easter egg in Lollipop. The hidden feature of Android Lollipop is the same place where Easter egg game of Android 6 got located.
To activate this game, click. Setting> About tablet> Keep tapping the Android version. After that, a large billowy will display on the screen. Click on it once to turn it into a marshmallow. A long push on it will take you to marshmallow Flappy Bird Clone.
And, the way you access this feature in marshmallow is the same you’ll access it in Android 7.0. Click settings> About phone and tap several times on Android Version. It will trigger the ‘N’ logo of which when you tap on it; you’d have launched the Easter egg game.
Edit the Settings Menu Fast
You can change the title that will appear in your pull-down Quick Settings Shade. You need to enact the UI if you have access to it. Quick Settings is the top choice once in the Tuner. Once in the Tuner, you will access the version of pull-down shade with available titles.
Once you access the Tuner, you’ll see a version of pull-down shades with all tiles. You can then click and drag tiles to re-order them. Also, you can delete individual files. At the same time; restore those which you had removed by tapping on Add title.
Allow the UI Tuner Menu
Android 6.0 Marshmallow has several Android hidden features. UI Tuner menu being one of them. To activate UI Tuner, long-press the gear button you always use to get to the settings. It will then spark off a text informing you that the UI Tuner is in the settings menu.
To access the new menu, go to the settings, and then scroll down to the System section. The first time you click on it, you’ll receive a message. The message will inform you that experiment features may harm your tool. But, there are some tricks you can play with some which already got discussed.
Lucky enough, most of these features are those that Android users don’t need or use like Demo mode. Demo mode hides notification and sets battery gauge to 100 percent. Also, it sets the clock at 5:20 to guarantee perfect screenshots.
One thing you need to know about this feature; you can access UI Tuner on Nexus 7 tablet which runs on a marshmallow. But, it can’t work on OEM’s Samsung Android version. So, chances are, this feature may not survive on your device.
App Power Saving
Android does put inactive apps to sleep in an attempt to save power. This App standby feature is of great help. But, if you have apps that you need to get updated all the time, add them to battery optimisation list.
To activate this feature, tap on. Settings> battery> battery optimisation (it’s at the top right corner via the menu). You’ll find a pull-down option with two choices on this page. Not optimised meaning that apps are always on and All Apps option. Click on any app from the list and you’ll be able to optimise. The app you tune will go in a standby mode when not in use. But if you don’t optimise, it will keep functioning thus drain your battery.
Lock For Passwords
The new marshmallow Smart Lock for Passwords will help you avoid much of the hassle. Smart Lock for Passwords is one of Android developer options explained features. It can get accessed via remove Google setting menu.
Click settings> Google> Smart Lock for Passwords. At this point turn on the Smart Lock allowing passwords for your Android to get saved to your Google account. This way, you’d have stored your app passwords on the cloud in a secure location. And, you can access them whenever you move to a new device.
Still, on the same page, you can switch on/off the Auto Sign-in features. They will electronic sign into apps and websites connected to your account. There is a Never save feature further down the screen where you can add exceptions.
Google Live on Setting Menu
Chances of you getting embedded in Google ecosystem are high if you use an Android device. For that reason, Google would concentrate your Google settings in one easy place to find. You can check or change your account information for the several heads of Google hydra. All these from one section of the settings.
App Permission
Android 6.0 marshmallows are now capable of switching on/off of personal apps. Also, they can access to particular phone function. This feature was as a result of iOS influence. Also, it has come up to be of great importance in the Android system than it is in the iOS ecosystem.
If a screensaver from a no- name developer wants to access your microphone for no valid reason, block it. Or, you should consider deleting them altogether is the screensaver is seeking microphone access. Follow this simple process:
Settings>Apps>Click on a particular app>permission
Check the Security of your Phone
Google has been on the verge of creating monthly security patches. It has been doing this in collaboration with Android manufacturers. Above all, participation among manufacturers and carriers vary.
You can check your instrument by going to; Settings> About tablet then, check your Android security patch level. You’ll be able to know the last time your phone received an official Android security patch. But, is possible if your particular gadget is participating in the monthly update regime.
Option to Save data
Within the Android Nougat, Google has included a new data saver option. Once you turn this feature on, it will restrict those online apps that connect using data. Also, it limits apps from sending or receiving data while in the background. As a matter of fact, this Android tricks and hacks will not turn off data connection altogether. But, it will help you watch and save your data.
Camera Quick Launch
If your gadget has no dedicated camera button, Android Nougat has a featured button. Google designed this button and to access it, go to the Settings>Display. From here, you’ll access the new option that enables quick launching of the camera when you double-click standby button.
System UI Tuner
System UI Tuner is in Android 7.0. And, it is like how it got set in marshmallow. In the Quick Setting Window, hold down the setting icon. If you do so, you’ll have activated this feature. You’ll have options to customise and adjust Nougat apps and features once you have System UI Tuner.
Prioritize Notification
It’s easier to focus on notifications with Android 7.0. Let relevant information be on top of your notification list. Swipe the notification until when the gear icon appears. From here on, tap on the icon to open a major button where you can adjust the priority level.
You’ll see six features with letter zero for blocking all notifications from the app appearing on your screen. And, level 5 allows notifications a full-screen interruption.
No doubt, Android operating system is commanding the mobile industry. And with Android hidden features together with the advancing technology, you can use these functions to your great benefit. So, without wasting any further time – go and make full use of your device as you know all the cool Android hidden features now.
Top/Featured Image: By Pixel2013 / Flickr