How to Get Likes on Instagram Organically: Proven Strategies for Genuine Growth

Instagram is currently one of the most popular social media channels users increasingly use to promote their brand. Unfortunately, just setting up an account on Instagram and posting a lot of content is not enough for a profile to enjoy significant interest. 

It is impossible to fully predict how the content posted on our profile will be received by the audience and whether it will prove interesting enough for them to click “observe.” You need a proper strategy to discover new ways to grow Instagram likes, increase your reach, and popularize a given account. 

One thing is certain, however – a lot depends on the form of presentation we use. It is worth being aware that even the dullest topic can be presented in such a way as to arouse the interest of the audience. Therefore, before publishing content on Instagram, we should consider the topic and how we want to present our activities.

If you are a creator on Instagram, you certainly want an active and engaged community. Who will like and subscribe to your posts, watch your account, and recommend your profile, for example, by sharing it on Story. But what do you do when you publish content regularly, and it has fewer and fewer likes? How do you promote your account, and how do you increase your reach? What can you do to make a name for yourself on Instagram finally? This is what you will find out in this article!

Instagram icon on phone

How to Create a Professional Account on Instagram?

A professional account on Instagram, i.e. a company or creator account, first of all, allows us to access statistics about our posts, relationships, and people who follow us. This allows us to see in real-time which content is most often reaching and compare the reach and reception of individual posts. This makes it much easier for us to plan our next actions. In addition to statistics, other benefits of having a business account allow us to promote our brand more widely, such as access to a promotional tool. To set up this type of account, you need to:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click on the menu in the upper right corner and select Settings.
  3. Select the Account options, and then Switch to Professional Account.
  4. You will see the option to select the appropriate category – Creator account or Company account.
  5. Once selected, further instructions on maintaining this type of account will appear.

Is it Worth Buying Likes on Instagram?

Buying likes is the easiest solution. But is it a good way to get likes? Unfortunately, no. If you decide to go this route, you will increase the number of hearts under your post, but that’s unfortunately, that’s it. These will be empty, meaningless likes that do not come from active users and will not in any way translate into engagement, real comments, or messages. But that’s not all! If you plan to buy likes on Instagram, you may even harm yourself. 

First, buying likes on Instagram is against the terms of service. Instagram often verifies actions of this type and, consequently, can block the account. You certainly don’t want that! Especially if you care about it. In addition, Instagram regularly removes “ghost accounts”, that is, accounts of users who have not published anything for a long time and were created precisely to acquire likes or observations. In this case, the likes you purchase will disappear!

There is another very important issue – if you are planning to act as an influencer (or are already doing it) – bought likes can deprive you of some cool cooperation. Companies very often verify the reliability of a given creator. Sometimes, they check whether real accounts leave likes and comments or not. If they have doubts about the origin of the reactions, they often decide to refrain from cooperating.

How to Get Likes on Instagram?

Does this mean that likes do not matter for the algorithm and are not worth paying attention to? They do not matter so much, but we realize that for many creators, they are important and care about getting as many as possible. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with acting in such a way as to increase the number of likes. Nevertheless, it is better to increase the number of likes reliably. And in this post, we will tell you some ways to do it!


Consistently and regularly posting content is an important step in promoting your profile on Instagram. Ensure that your account is always active – it is worth using Instastories for this purpose as well. The number of posts published should be adapted to the theme and activity of the profile. 

It’s hard to determine whether you will generate more interest by uploading a few posts daily or in larger intervals. In this case, you should watch how your audience reacts and how engaged they are. However, it is worth ensuring that you publish posts at consistent times and days.

Constant Activity and Interaction

Building relationships with other users is also important for promoting your Instagram account. Visiting and observing other profiles and liking and commenting on other users’ posts increases your chances of reaching a larger audience. It’s a good idea to tag other profiles in your descriptions, photos, or Instastories – this way, you interact with other users and expand your reach.

It also counts to engage your audience – this can be done primarily by asking questions or creating various thematic contests.

Remember the CTA

Another important (unfortunately often overlooked) element is the CTA or call to action. Very often, observers forget that they wanted to like or share a post, even though they liked it! Therefore, remember always to encourage them to take action. You can do this, for example, by writing, “If you liked this post, leave a like!”

Publish Valuable Content

If you want your posts to have many likes, you need to ensure that the content you add wants to be liked! In short, they must be valuable. You can inspire your followers, educate them, or give them entertainment. But your post must serve a function. Ask yourself, is that what it is? 

person using smartphone

Descriptions and Hashtags

In addition to a well-thought-out theme and aesthetics of the profile, the text part is also important – descriptions under posts and properly selected hashtags are another important step to promote your profile properly. The description depends largely on the subject of the photo and our thoughts. Hashtags, however, allow us to group content around a specific topic. 

By using specific hashtags, you increase the reach of your posts, and thus, you can count on new audiences or customers. Currently, on Instagram, you can use a maximum of 30 hashtags. It is worth choosing those related to the topic you are covering. It is worth starting with the most popular ones (usually in English), which can increase the reach of our posts.

The most popular hashtags on Instagram:

  • #love
  • #instagood
  • #fashion
  • #photooftheday
  • #beautiful
  • #art
  • #photography
  • #happy
  • #picoftheday
  • #cute

What to Publish to Get More Likes on Instagram?

Is there any content (following the rules) that will always get you many likes? No. It’s worth experimenting on your own and seeing what works best for you and your profile on Instagram. But a few formats very often get the most likes and comments, and we are happy to tell you about them!

Photos from Important Events

Did you get engaged, get married, or have a baby? If you add photos and videos of such important events to your social media, you will get a lot of likes under the posts! But, of course, you need to keep in mind that not only such occasions man lives! So, it’s only possible to publish posts of this type.

Cute Photos on Instagram

If you have ever published an adorable photo of your dog or child on Instagram, you know what we are talking about! Photos of this type will likely be liked, especially if you capture a cute face or pose!

Quotes and Golden Thoughts

Quotes and golden thoughts are another type of content that Instagram users like to like. When planning posts of this type, you need to remember that your audience needs to feel that they identify with what you publish. So, choose a sentence that reaches them and is consistent with the theme of your account. Avoid empty phrases. They, unfortunately, will not bring the expected results.

Quick Referrals

Instagram users love quick commands that they can save for later. Such posts very often generate a large number of additional likes! What can you recommend? For example, favorite photo or video editing apps. They can also be favorite recipes or kitchen accessories. Try to make these recommendations consistent with your theme.

Instagram Reels

Another format that very often generates the most likes is Reels! This is because Instagram’s algorithm displays your Reels not only in the main feed but also in a special tab dedicated to this format for other users! In addition, completely free of charge. This means that by posting your Reels, you can reach a much wider community and thus receive a much higher number of likes.

Build a Relationship with your Watchers

After reading the above, you’re probably already rubbing your hands together and wondering what your sales posts will look like. Relax. Not so fast! If you approach Instagram the wrong way – focused primarily on sales – you may not achieve the desired results.

TIP: Treat your company’s Instagram as a way to communicate with your audience and build connections and likes. 

Sales, discounts, and promotions are very important, but we advise sparingly posting such content on your profile. Implement sales activities by creating paid advertising and displaying advertising messages to people ready to buy/take advantage of the offer. 

On the profile, more often publish content that will develop your brand’s relationship with the community – build the relationship consciously and gradually. After all, you are unlikely to offer the other person a shared apartment on a first date. 

Initially, you need to set your mind firmly on… giving. Give, give, give, and give again from yourself. Once they like you and have confidence in your brand, you can only ask your followers for anything. You will see that they will then take the expected action much more willingly. 

Advise and Raise Awareness

Another way to communicate with observers is to share knowledge, give hints, and help solve problems. 

Show your expertise in your posts. Doing so will build trust among your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

Current examples of good practice include Orange with its Orange Team. The brand decided some time ago to put its corporate social channels in the hands of ordinary people, who currently show their moments from their lives referring to specific company products. They advise, engage, inform about promotions, and give hints, and at the same time, all the content is extremely natural and confidence-inspiring! What’s cool is that anyone can apply to join the Orange Team and, if their application gets a positive review, join the company’s social media builders. A very good strategy!

Also worth following is the profile of Semilac, which offers nail polishes and accessories. With the help of beautiful photos of nail styling, it prompts customers on what products to use to make such a manicure themselves. There are also regular tips on choosing the right products, matching colors, or styling inspiration.

woman in front of computer

Tip at the End

To make Instagram work for your brand, you must understand that it is a platform where aesthetics and creativity reign supreme. When looking for ideas and inspiration, browsing photos published by other big brands similar to yours is a good idea. Also, observe your competitors and conclude their publications – what works and doesn’t necessarily and why.

Once you’ve discovered your style, remember that photos, videos, stories, and reels alone are not enough. You also need to engage in conversations with fans and return the favor by following their profiles and liking and reposting posts in which your brand has been tagged. 

This combination of creativity, constant interaction, and the ability to build engagement is the key to success on this platform and successful business development on Instagram.

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