7 Tips for Reducing Staff Turnover

The high level of staff turnover is the reason for the economic losses of the organization. It also hurts the morale of the remaining employees, work motivation, and dedication to the company. When employees are dismissed, the established ties in the team are destroyed, and this can lead to the fact that turnover will acquire an avalanche-like character. It also happens that whole departments leave the company. Thus, staff turnover reduces the efficiency of employees and negatively affects the corporate culture.

7 Tips for Reducing Staff Turnover

Simple solutions to help you reduce employee turnover. Competitive benefits and salaries, flexible schedules, the ability to work from home when necessary, the workplace environment and employee treatment, and training assistance are the five basic principles of employee retention. The location also plays an important role. Sometimes people decide to change a job just because of the too-long distance, however, this problem can be easily solved by hiring corporate transport. Rental companies provide various range of services, you can rent Rolls Royce for the top management and rent minibusses for the employees.

Employers can reduce staff turnover in many other ways. From creating a positive work culture to utilizing employer branding services, there are many strategies that can be implemented. We hope that the employee retention ideas presented here will lead to a lot of new ideas when you think about your own workplace culture and the environment for employees.

How to determine that your company has a high level of staff turnover?

3-7% is the rate of staff turnover. However, it should be understood that this indicator may be higher depending on the specifics of the organization’s work. Thus, the turnover of low-skilled personnel is much higher than the turnover of administrative and managerial staff. It is also worth considering the scope of the company’s activities. For example, in a restaurant or cafe, an indicator of 30% is acceptable.

To be sure, compare your indicators with those of a competitor, if your percentage is much higher, then it’s time to take certain actions.

Reasons for staff turnover

Staff turnover does not arise from scratch. To prevent regular layoffs of employees, it is necessary to clearly understand what is the reason for leaving the company. The main reasons for the dismissal of staff are listed below:

  • poor-quality recruitment is associated with the desire of recruiters to close a vacancy for a particular position or with the fact that the applicant did not receive complete information about the job;
  • poor adaptation of a new employee may lead to dismissal on probation;
  • dissatisfaction with management, and management methods;
  • the bad psychological climate that has developed in the team;
  • unfavorable working conditions: cramped and poorly lit rooms, poor-quality equipment or lack thereof, etc.;
  • lack of career growth, professional development, and training;
  • layoffs of other employees;
  • the prospect of receiving a higher salary at another place of work;
  • dissatisfaction with the profession.

Many of the reasons listed above can be eliminated, thereby minimizing the risks of dismissal of employees.

How to prevent staff turnover?

Knowing the reasons for the dismissal of employees, proceed to action:

Carry out high-quality recruitment. Hire those applicants who have the necessary competencies and correspond to the corporate culture of the organization, its goals, and its mission. At the interview, provide the future employee with maximum information about the company, working conditions, and employee requirements.

Working with professional recruiting agencies can also help in finding suitable candidates. Additionally, exploring contract recruiting solutions can provide flexibility and expertise that traditional hiring methods may lack. These services allow for the rapid scaling of your workforce to meet project demands without long-term commitment, making them an ideal strategy for managing fluctuating workloads.

Create a compensation package for employees, including bonuses, the possibility for remote work, corporate trips and teambuilding, and health insurance.

Create a mentoring system for new employees. To do this, involve more experienced staff.

Develop programs for the professional and career development of employees. For example, conduct staff training, and advanced training courses at the expense of the employer.

Introduce the practice of collective decision-making, and let employees know that their voice has weight.

Give employees as much work as they can. So they will feel that something depends on their activity. In addition, constant employment causes a sense of stability.

Do not force employees to work overtime and on weekends. Try to meet the team halfway, for example, if necessary, make the work schedule more flexible. Evaluate the work not by the number of hours worked, but by the results achieved.

Of course, it is not always so easy to diagnose the problem of personnel rotation, it is even more difficult to fix it: salaries may not be within the competence of management, the prestige of work needs to be restored for years, the desire and diligence of each employee are required to create a working microclimate, and the social significance of work, in general, is a subjective category. But this is not a reason to ignore staff turnover. Staff turnover is only a symptom of an organization’s illness. By curing it, the organization simultaneously solves a complex of problems at once – for productive and comfortable work.

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