How To Set Up 1Password on Your Device

Secure password manager
1Password is a secure password manager for users to store their logins for different sites in a vault, with a master password for enhanced security.

Generally, online platforms or services will regularly advise users to change their passwords periodically. Well, here’s a better tip: Use the application 1Password for your mobile phones, computers and any other device.

1Password can remember your passwords for the websites you frequent, so it saves you the bother of remembering different passwords and entering them.

Additionally, the program saves users the time and hassle of keeping track of complicated passwords that are more secure than weak, easy-to-remember passwords.

Weak Passwords & How Password Managers Can Help

Unfortunately, password leaks occur in several sites and platforms; as a result, malicious hackers can then access your data and accounts, such as PayPal account information or banking details. In order to avoid this problem, you need to use long, difficult passwords consisting of symbols, numbers and alphabet letters.

In the interest of convenience, most people wind up using poor or weak passwords. They also tend to use the same password for various sites, as it makes it easier to remember them. But is it possible to use strong and unique passwords for different sites and still remember them? It is, if you use a password manager.

These password mangers help in storing the login details and information for various websites and online accounts that you regularly visit. You can then log into these sites automatically. The password manager encrypts your password with a strong master password, so you only have to remember this one master password.

Some of the top password managers can log into a site for the user. They also come with several other security features for protecting your data. However, here we’re talking about the juggernaut of them all—namely, 1Password.

1Password password manager payment method.

1Password is an easy option. However, you do need some guidance in setting it up. All you have to remember is the one master password. This password will allow you to access all other passwords for the various sites you visit. It’s pure magic. So, let’s check out how to get started with 1Password:

Selecting from Offers

  1. Head over to the website.
  2. Trial Offer: 1Password offers a trial offer for 30 days and after that, it becomes a paid service. You can sign up for the free trial service without the use of a credit card. You will get access to all the features during the trial period.
  3. You can opt for a $65 paymentfor a one-time purchase. This option is only available for Mac, and it doesn’t provide password syncing features between devices. You can sync manually though, with the use of iCloud/Dropbox.
  4. Subscription options are also available. Select one of the below plans and then start creating an account.
    1. $2.99 a month for an individual (syncing feature using iPassword server).
    2. $4.99 a month for a family of up to five members (syncing feature using iPassword server).

Signing Up

  1. Head over to to create your account.
  2. In case you have opted for the family account, you have to invite all the other family members after you have finished signing up.
  3. If one of your family members already has an account, you can ask him/her to invite you.
  4. After you complete the sign up process, you will get an email from the site.
  5. Click on the “Let’s get started” button and continue the setup procedure.
  6. Download the PDF file containing the QR code. This is important for adding to the apps using your account. If you lose your master password, this is the secret key for recovering it.
  7. Select a master password of your choice.
  8. You are then taken to your home page.

Adding Accounts to the 1Password App/Installing 1Password Apps

  1. Start setting up the app according to the device you are using. Download the 1Password app for Android, Mac, Windows or iOS.
  2. Sign in to the device of your choice.
  3. Tap on “Scan Account Details.”
  4. Start scanning Setup QR, which is the code in the downloaded PDF.
  5. Download the extension for your browser from 1Passoword’s developer and parent company, AgileBits. You can get the extension on the company’s website.

For Mac

  1. Unlock 1Password using your master password
  2. Select 1Password and move to the “Preferences” section.
  3. Click on “Accounts.”
  4. Scan the account using your setup code. You can also enter it manually.
  5. Enter your master password to sign in.

For iOS

  1. Unlock 1Password using your master password.
  2. Click on “Settings.”
  3. Go to “1Password Accounts.”
  4. Click on” Add Existing Accounts.”
  5. Scan account details using the setup code or enter it manually.
  6. Use your master password for signing in.

For Windows

  1. Sign in to the 1Password account on the browser.
  2. Select the account name seen on the upper right corner and click on “Get the Apps.”
  3. Right Click for “Setup Code.”
  4. Select “Copy Image.”
  5. Unlock 1Password using your master password.
  6. Select “Settings” then go to “Accounts.”
  7. Sign in to other accounts.
  8. Sign in using your master password.

For Android

  1. Unlock 1Password using the master password.
  2. Click on “Menu.”
  3. Move to “Settings.”
  4. Next, go to “1Password Accounts.”
  5. Tap on the “+” button.
  6. Go to the area that asks you to scan account details.
  7. Use the setup code for scanning.
  8. Enter your master password.

Syncing Across Devices

1Pasword options. After creating your 1Password account, you can sync it with all the devices you use. You can sync it with a Macbook, a Windows desktop, your iPhone, iPad or your Android smartphone.

When you become a member of the 1Password site, you own a single account that can sync all your data.

  • Syncing with Membership:

    • Choose your device.
    • Sign in to the 1Password account using the master password.
    • You will find all the passwords for all your sites and apps.
    • You can access the data on the web as well at the website.
  • Syncing without Membership:

    • iCloud – If you only use Apple phones and devices, sync with iCloud.
    • Dropbox – This is suitable for several standalone vaults. You can use it for iOS devices as well as Mac, Windows and Android.
    • WLAN server – Use this for syncing with your Mac or your Windows desktop.
    • Local folders – You can use this for a Mac.

Using 1Password Browser Extension

  1. Click on the browser in your menu bar.
  2. Select “More Tools.”
  3. Select “Extensions.”
  4. You will find a list containing 1Password on it along with the version number.
  5. If you are not able to find it in the list, install the 1Password extension from the support section of the 1Password website.
  6. Make sure you are using the latest version of 1Password.
  7. If you are not able to view the icon of the extension, but it is installed, customize the browser to view it by dragging the button towards the toolbar or selecting the option to keep it in the toolbar.
  8. In case you are using Internet Explorer, you can only use 1Password 4. Simply right click on the toolbar and enable the “Command” bar to see the 1Password icon. In case you don’t see it, select “Customize” and move to “Add and Remove Commands.” Drag the icon for 1Password from the “Available” buttons for the toolbar and click on “Close.”

Signing up for a New Account

Whenever you are signing up for a new account, you can use 1Password to offer you a powerful password.

  1. Enter all details required for the registration to the new site or app.
  2. Leave the field for password blank.
  3. Click on the symbol for 1Password in the browser.
  4. Hover on the “Password Generator.”
  5. Select and adjust your new password.
  6. Click on “Fill” and the password gets entered on the page field.
  7. Finish the registration procedure and hit “Save.”

Top Security Features

1Password has a range of features for enhanced security, including:

  • End to end encryption.
  • Server cannot learn about the master password, as the details are stored in a secure remote passwords manager.
  • It uses a two-secret mode for key derivation, so that the data stored cannot be hacked or cracked.
  • Only the user can control sharing and make sharing decisions.

How to Use: Tips

How to use 1Password.

1Password offers extensions for all major browsers. When you are on a particular website and have to enter login details, the extension fills in the information. Here’s what you can do with this feature:

  • You can copy and paste the password.
  • You can view the login information.
  • Make complex and hard-to-remember passwords for all websites or apps that you use.
  • The app is able to generate complex passwords. Just use the 1Password extension for filling them in.
  • It’s easy to use on mobile phones too.
  • You can also use your fingerprint as the master password, if you have a device supporting the feature.
  • You can view the login list, similar to the web and mobile apps. Just copy and paste.
  • Many apps are slowly getting integrated with 1Password, with increasing popularity.
  • If you’re using the standard Safari browser in an iPhone device, you can set up the 1Password program in such a way that it shows up in your “Share” screen. This makes it easy to enter login details when visiting a site on your mobile device.

Free vs. Paid Versions

Even if you opt for the free version, you can still access all the basic features after the trial period is over. However, with the paid version, you get access to additional features like storing your credit card details and your bank account information.

Membership Benefits

  • Mebership benefits from 1Password and payment method. You can use all apps, including Mac and Windows, as well as Android and iOS.
  • You can get all the latest versions and updates of 1Password without any extra charge, as soon as they are released.
  • You get the Pro features for Android apps and for iOS apps, without having to buy it separately.
  • Using the 1Password account, you don’t have to use any third parties for syncing and setting up the program. All of your devices are synced automatically when you create the account. 1Password is then easily available on all of your platforms and devices.
  • You can restore an item that you delete by mistake.
  • There’s an easy backup process in case your device gets lost.
  • Your documents are stored in an encrypted vault and you can access them whenever you wish.
  • You get a “Travel Mode,” whereby you can remove a particular vault temporarily from your devices. This gives additional security while you’re travelling. You can restore the access to these vaults with a simple click after you return.
  • You can access the website to view your data and make changes to it, even if you don’t have your device with you.
  • There is a “Secret Key” feature that offers end to end encryption features with multi-factor protection.
  • Edit your data in the offline mode in the 1Password app of your choice. The changes will be reflected in all your other devices that have been synced when you are online again.
  • With a single subscription account, you can access the full version of both PC and mobile apps.
  • Store credit cards and access them on any of your synced devices.
  • Get support whenever you require it.
  • Receive security alerts for websites that you use.

Family Plans

You can get a 1Password membership plan for your family or for your team. This type of membership includes useful collaboration features:

  • You can make a single payment for all the family members or for the entire team. This is easier to manage.
  • You can also invite a family member or a team member and add them to the membership with just a click.
  • You can share a vault with other members. Other members can see the shared vaults on their device. You don’t have to complete any special setup procedure.
  • Use one central location for making changes to access features and permissions for other members in your family or team.

Wrap Up

Password Manager
1Password is that all you have to remember is one single password, and the rest is easy.

The concept behind using 1Password is that all you have to remember is one single password, and the rest is easy. Once in the system, all the usernames and passwords for all apps and sites get saved and it is easy to find them.

You are free to create a randomized password for every app or site that you use, and 1Password will log you in automatically. However, there is a learning curve with this password manager program, and you will need to get used to it at first.

Make sure that the master password is a good one and one that you will not forget. The bottom line is to remain safe.

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