How to Left Click on Mac: A Complete Guide

Left-clicking is an essential skill to have when using a Mac computer. It allows users to select items, open programs, and perform other basic functions. This article provides detailed instructions on how to left-click on Macs. It will also explain the differences between single and double-clicking for those unfamiliar with this concept.

How To Left Click on a Mac

What Is Left Clicking on a Mac?

Mouse Keys is a feature of macOS that enables users to left-click using their keyboard. This feature can be enabled by navigating to the Accessibility section in System Preferences, selecting Mouse & Trackpad from the sidebar menu, and checking the box next to ‘Enable Mouse Keys.’ After enabling this feature, pressing Option + 5 on the numeric keypad will act as a left click. To toggle Mouse Keys off or on at any time without returning to System Preferences, press Control + F7. For devices with a Force Touch trackpad, like some MacBooks and Magic Trackpads, left clicking may be accomplished by applying pressure instead of physically clicking on it.

Get the ability to turn mouse keys on and off

How to Left Click on a MacBook Air

Left-clicking on a MacBook Air can be achieved in two ways.

  • The first method uses the mouse pointer and performs the left click behavior by pressing down on the trackpad with one finger until a ‘click’ sound is heard or felt. If the mouse pointer behaves unexpectedly, you can go to System Preferences > Trackpad and make sure the “Tap to click” option is enabled. This allows you to perform a left-click by tapping the trackpad with one finger. The pointer controls window can help you control behaviors and appearance of mouse pointer.
  • The second way of left-clicking is to enable tap-to-click from the System Preferences control panel. This allows users to physically tap their fingers on the trackpad instead of actually having to press down; this action mimics a regular left-click button found on other PCs.

How to Left Click With Keyboard

Left-clicking with a keyboard can be done using the “Tab” and “Enter” keys. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the item you want to click on.
  2. Press the “Tab” key until the item you want to click on is highlighted.
  3. Press the “Enter” key to simulate a left click.

How to Right Click on MacBook Air

To right-click on a MacBook Air, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Two-finger tap: Place two fingers on the MacBook Air trackpad and tap with both fingers simultaneously. This should perform a right-click.
  2. Control-click: Hold the “Control” key on the keyboard and click the trackpad button. This should perform a right-click.
  3. Use an external mouse: Connect a USB or Bluetooth mouse to the MacBook Air, and right-click as you would on a traditional mouse by clicking the right button.

Note that if you use an older MacBook Air with a physical trackpad, you can right-click by clicking the trackpad button on the right side to access the drop-down menu.

How to Left Click Without a Mouse on a Mac

You can use the built-in trackpad or a keyboard shortcut to left-click without a mouse on a Mac. Here’s how to do it:

Built-in trackpad

On a Mac with a built-in trackpad, you can use the “Tap to click” feature to simulate a left click. To enable this feature, go to System Preferences > Trackpad and check the “Tap to click” checkbox. Then, tap the trackpad with one finger to perform a left click.

Keyboard shortcut

You can use the “Control” key and a keyboard shortcut to perform a left-click. To do this, move the cursor to the item you want to click on and press the “Control” key on the keyboard. While holding down the “Control” key, press the “primary mouse button” keyboard shortcut, which is the “0” key. This should simulate a left click.

Note that these methods may not work for all applications or operating systems, and a mouse or touchpad is typically a more reliable and efficient way to click on items.

Using a Mouse on a MacBook Air

Using a mouse to interact with your MacBook Air is easy, regardless of whether you use a wired or wireless mouse. Here we will discuss how to use the left mouse button on a Mac mouse:

  • To act with one click, press down once quickly on the left mouse button.
  • To open applications or files that have been selected, double-click by pressing the left mouse button twice in rapid succession.
  • If you want to customize any settings for your Mac’s Mouse feature, open System Preferences from the Apple menu at the top left corner of your screen.
  • You can also change the speed of double-clicking if it is too slow or fast by going into ‘Accessibility’ inside system preferences and selecting Pointer Control > Double Click Speed.
  • Finally, right-clicking on a MacBook Air uses two fingers pressed simultaneously on the trackpad instead of the right-click button on some mice.

Troubleshooting Mouse Left Click Issues

To help troubleshoot a left-click issue on Mac, it is important to understand the alternative pointer actions that can be enabled. To activate these settings:

  1. Users must turn on Mouse Keys in their accessibility options. To access this option, go to System Preferences and select the Accessibility icon, followed by the Input tab from the sidebar menu.
  2. Under the mouse & trackpad section, one should check off ‘Enable Mouse Keys’ and input their user password for authentication.
  3. Turning on Secondary Click in system preferences is also recommended as this will enable right-clicking capabilities with two finger taps or clicks of a button depending upon which type of mouse you have selected.

How to Right Click Without a Mouse

To right click without a mouse on a Mac, hold down the “control” key on the keyboard while clicking the trackpad with one finger. Alternatively, you can use the “two-finger click” gesture on the trackpad to simulate a right click. On a Windows computer, you can use the “shift” key and “F10” key together to simulate a right click.

Left Click on Mouse & Touch Screen

To perform a left-click on a mouse, simply press down on the mouse’s left button. This is typically the button on the left side of the mouse and is marked with a small circle or square. On a touch screen device, such as a tablet or smartphone, you can perform a left-click by tapping the screen with one finger. This is the default behavior for touch screens.

Using a Laptop Without a Mouse

Here are some possible actions you can take to use a laptop without a mouse:

  • Use the trackpad
  • Use keyboard shortcuts
  • Use a touchscreen if your laptop has one
  • Connect an external mouse
  • Use voice commands if your laptop supports it
  • Use a trackball or other pointing device
  • Use a touchpad or pointing stick
  • Use an eye-tracking device
  • Use a head-tracking device
  • Use a foot-operated pointing device.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Magic Mouse?

Magic Mouse is a wireless mouse designed and produced by Apple Inc. It is a multi-touch mouse that allows users to perform a variety of gestures on its surface. The mouse connects to a Mac or iPad via Bluetooth and features a sleek design with a smooth touch surface.

Mouse offers primary clicking function

What are alternative keys

Alternative keys, also known as alternate or modifier keys, are keys on a computer keyboard that modify the function of other keys when pressed in combination. Some common examples of alternative keys include the Shift key, Control (Ctrl) key, Alt (Option on Mac) key, and the Windows (Command on Mac) key.


To Left-click on a Mac can be accomplished with the right tools. It is important to ensure that one’s mouse is compatible and appropriate for use with their MacBook Air, as this will determine their success in performing a left click. If a user encounters any issue attempting to perform a left click, they should first check whether their mouse settings need to be adjusted or if there may be an issue with the hardware itself. You can program alternate keys to perform double-click, right-click and left-click actions. To achieve this, select the checkbox next to Enable Alternative Pointer Actions. To unlock your accessibility choices, you might be prompted for your user password.

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