Minecraft is one of the world’s most popular online games. It is not hard to see why this is when you consider how much freedom players of it have to create new worlds, bases, and characters for themselves. There are even text-based roleplay servers on Minecraft which give players the ability to live fantasy lives, exploring Minecraft’s vast jungles, deserts, and landscapes.
If you are interested in playing Minecraft but have never before, this is the article for you. In it, you will learn six must-try tips and tricks that you can use to ensure your gaming experience is an entertaining one.
Playing Online
Traditionally, players of Minecraft play alone, offline. However, playing online is quickly becoming one of the most popular options for users of the game. When you consider how entertaining sharing immersive worlds with other people is, it’s surprising it took so long for online play to catch on. Looking for Minecraft servers to play with other people shouldn’t be difficult for you to do at all. In fact, there are thousands of these servers, most free to join and play. If you are interested in playing online then you need to make sure that you learn as much about the game as you can and that you find a reliable server to use. Try to find a server with an active administrative team so that you don’t have to worry about griefers coming into your bases and destroying them.
Going Hunting
A while ago, Minecraft added animals to its game creatures. These animals can be very fun to interact and play with. Some people actually roleplay hunting them. Roleplaying online will be explored in more detail in the next section. The type of roleplay referenced here is not online roleplay, but single player roleplay, which is done completely independently. Hunting the animals and creatures that share Minecraft worlds and servers with you can be one of the most entertaining things there is to do. One of the reasons for this is because many of these animals and creatures will attack you if you get too close, so you have to ensure you have enough health, armor, and weaponry to be able to repel their attacks and overcome them. Take time to learn about the different creatures present in Minecraft prior to going out and hunting so you can identify ones that most interest you.
Trying Roleplaying
Roleplaying is one of the most fun things that there is to do on Minecraft’s online servers. Roleplaying involves creating a character, then playing with other people’s characters. The character that you create has to be realistic and in line with your chosen server’s general theme. For example, if you join a server that’s based on the Old West, you’ll need to create a cowboy. Alternatively, if the server is an urban life server, you’ll need to create a teenager with a mobile phone addiction! Most roleplay servers have their own forums that you can use to learn about what they offer. If you are planning on roleplaying, then familiarize yourself with terms like metagaming and power gaming. Learning these terms will make it easier for you to become an expert role-player. Roleplaying can be difficult at first but once mastered is a lot of fun.
Building Worlds
The entire purpose of Minecraft is to construct and deconstruct new worlds. If you have never played before then before you rush online or start roleplaying, take some time to master the process of actually building in Minecraft. If you do not know how to build then you won’t have as much fun as you potentially could. There are lots of different things that you can build in Minecraft. Most people find that building bases for themselves is the best thing to start with. By building a base for yourself in your world you will have somewhere to store weapons at, food, and other supplies. In addition to storing things in your base, your base will also give you somewhere safe to hide away from the world’s creatures. Make sure that you secure your base so that no creatures are able to get inside and attack you.
Avoiding the Darkness
A mistake that a lot of people who are new to Minecraft make is going outside when it is dark in the game world. Most of the game’s most vicious and dangerous creatures come out at night. In the daytime it is rare to see them. If you go out after dark in the Minecraft game while then you are basically opening yourself up to attack. If you do not have full health and armor as well as weaponry then there is no way you’re going to survive a night in Minecraft’s wilds. Many people find that building bases is the most effective way of avoiding darkness. If you do not have a base then you have to find a cave to hide and hope that no zombies or creepers are able to get in. Make sure that you learn the geography of your area before you go out tonight as well. Many people have permanently lost their bases due to going out at night and getting lost.
Learning the Map
following on from the last point, take some time to learn your map. As noted above it is very common for people to get lost and lose their bases altogether. Learning the map of the server that you are using will help you to ensure that you do not lose your base. After spending hours building a base it can be very deflating and even depressing to lose it. Learn the geography of your area so that you can pinpoint exactly where your base is in accordance with features such as large mountains or clusters of trees. By learning the geography of your server it’ll be much easier for you to find your base when you need to (and then get back to it, even in the dark).
Minecraft is a popular online game. Considering the things listed here, it’s really not hard to see why that is. If you plan on taking up Minecraft or Freezenova gaming then take the steps listed here. Following this article’s guidance will give you the best shot at success.